The Challenges


There are challenges in getting sufficient safe blood to the world’s poorest communities. Every day in these countries, people die because of a shortage of blood.


GBF helps blood collectors in these countries by providing money, equipment, training and other forms of support. A particular focus is encouraging voluntary blood donation – the key to a safer and more plentiful blood supply.


units of blood are collected globally each year.

Half of these donations are collected in high-income countries, home to less than a fifth of the world’s population.

Very few low-income countries have policy & legislative frameworks for the collection, testing, processing, storage & distribution of blood.

There aren’t enough volunteer blood donors to meet patient needs, so low-income countries rely on family replacement and paid donors.

Blood is expensive to collect, test, process, store, and distribute and puts a big strain on the finances of developing health services.

Countries using paid or family donors have higher rates of infected blood units than countries with voluntary unpaid blood donors.

of the world’s population needs to give blood regularly to sustain the blood supply.

countries fail to meet this threshold.


of all HIV infections worldwide are transfused from contaminated blood & blood products.

of blood collected in low-income countries is separated into blood components, so a donation can only help one person instead of up to three.

Whole blood can help 1 patient.

Blood components can help up to 3 patients.

In 2016, 170 countries pledged to the United Nations Development Programme to achieve 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Blood safety and sufficiency play a vital role is achieving these three Sustainable Development Goals:

Good health and well-being

Reduced Inequalities

Sustainable Cities and Communities

100% voluntary blood donation is possible.


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